Evolve Muscle Therapy

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is a hands on modality using different techniques to mobilize soft tissues and move toxins in the body. Massage is great for reducing muscular tension, muscle spasms, alleviating acute or chronic pain, improving overall ROM in the joints and helps with circulation in the body. At the appointment the therapist will conduct a clinical assessment to determine imbalances and how it ... Read More

Massage therapy is a hands on modality using different techniques to mobilize soft tissues and move toxins in the body. Massage is great for reducing muscular tension, muscle spasms, alleviating acute or chronic pain, improving overall ROM in the joints and helps with circulation in the body. At the appointment the therapist will conduct a clinical assessment to determine imbalances and how it is affecting daily life activities which is followed by deep tissue, relaxation or other modalities that best suit what the body needs. Massage is beneficial for a variety of clients starting from acute to chronic conditions. If you are suffering from a specific condition or looking for another natural stress relief alternative, massage therapy can greatly benefit you.

Shockwave Therapy

Radial shockwave therapy also known as Extracorporeal shock wave is a safe and non-invasive technology that uses a wand-like device to emit fast bursts of shockwaves that penetrate soft tissues of the injured areas which: Breaks up scar tissues on tendons and ligaments. Creates an optimal environment for cellular repair and tissue healing. Decreases sensitivity of pain receptors. Increase... Read More

Radial shockwave therapy also known as Extracorporeal shock wave is a safe and non-invasive technology that uses a wand-like device to emit fast bursts of shockwaves that penetrate soft tissues of the injured areas which:

Breaks up scar tissues on tendons and ligaments.
Creates an optimal environment for cellular repair and tissue healing.
Decreases sensitivity of pain receptors.
Increases local blood flow.
Regenerates blood vessels and bone cells.
Reverses chronic inflammation.
Stimulates the body’s natural healing response.

Personal Training

I guess a little introduction never hurt anyone. Hi, my name is Shanisse Charlton. My journey with massage started later in my career, I first attended Nait for a Personal Fitness Trainer which I still do till this day and that’s basically how I started my massage career. I saw how it benefited athletes, individuals dealing with chronic pain etc. I have been doing massage for almost three years and I know I have definitely changed my point of view when it comes to massage. Having the background working in a physio clinic has taught me there is more to massage than your typical therapeutic/ relaxation. Massage for me is how physical, emotional and mental trauma really plays a toll on the human body and how massage has such a roll in that aspect. As years go on I am always furthering my education, I recently took Cranial Sacral therapy, kinesology taping and shock therapy will be another modality added into my training. I find being a massage therapist and personal fitness trainer my learning never stops here, I want to continue to grow, continue my education so my clients can get the best outcome when they are on that table.

I guess a little introduction never hurt anyone. Hi, my name is Shanisse Charlton. My journey wit... Read More

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